How to Double Your Business

Julie reading Double Your BusinessIf you feel that your business is not growing as fast as it could, or that you’ve hit a plateau that you can’t seem to break through, here’s a thought for you that’s a bit easier than getting your head around the 22 Barriers to Growth in Double Your Business.

To double your business you need to do three things consistently…Continue Reading

W H Smith Business Book of The Month

Double Your Business Book at WHSmith, Heathrow Airport on 18th April 2012

A good friend left a voicemail this morning to let me know he was looking at the WHSmith Business Book Of The Month at Heathrow Airport. He sent a photo from his iphone – Double Your Business getting top billing next to Richard Branson’s book. The book is getting great reviews on Amazon in the […]

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Double Your Business – Amazon Bestseller

I was surprised (and delighted) when author Heather Townsend congratulated me via Skype on having an Amazon bestselling book… I looked right away and discovered that it was at #1 for Small Business Sales and Marketing – here’s the screenshot I captured to prove it! Thanks to all those who’ve bought it already.

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To Simplify Business Success

My goal for Double Your Business is to share a method to help you become even more successful in business. I was told by the publisher that the book needed to be around 50,000 words, which seems a lot when you start writing. But a chapter of around 5,000 words to cover a topic as […]

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Finally In Print!

My books arrived today in a box – it was a great feeling to see them for the first time. The books is available to buy from Amazon from 20th March, or you can just pre-order it if you’re impatient and want to get a copy yourself. WH Smith’s travel outlets (motorway services, railway stations, […]

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My Inspiration for Double Your Business

Recently a client asked me “what inspired you to write the book?” I answered that it was a result of an email from Liz Gooster, then a commissioning editor for Pearson (the owners of Financial Times Publishing), who asked if I’d ever considered writing a book, based on my methods and results of working with […]

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WH Smith Business Book of the Month for April 2012

I was delighted to discover last week that Double Your Business has been selected by WH Smith Travel, their chain of shops serving railway stations and airports, as their Business Book of the Month for April. This means it will be featured throughout their stores at travel locations, making it a really convenient place to […]

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